Precleaning and Manual Cleaning

The precleaning of medical flexible endoscopes begins immediately after removal of the insertion tube from the patient, while the endoscope is still connected to the light source. It is followed by the leakage test and manual cleaning with brushing and flushing in the reprocessing room.
Find out how our EndoPreZyme and brushes support you during this critical reprocessing step to keep your patients and staff safe.

Your Challenge — Our Solution

During the procedure, the medical flexible endoscope comes into contact with organic material from the patient and many different chemical components from, for example, from antifoaming agents, x-ray contrast media or lubricants. The precleaning and manual cleaning are the critical steps to remove most microorganisms and residues from your medical flexible endoscopes. For the optimal support of your operations, Olympus has developed the enzymatic, pH neutral detergent EndoPreZyme that becomes especially effective in combination with our brushes and ETDs.

Excellent cleaning performance

… which is supported by comprehensive testing.

Reduced process time

… through the omitting of the rinsing step prior to automated reprocessing in an Olympus ETD machine.

A long lifetime of medical flexible endoscopes

… is supported by the material compatibility.


… due to the low-foaming formula that provides you with good visibility of the endoscope during manual cleaning.


The Olympus detergent for manual precleaning prior to automated reprocessing provides excellent cleaning performance and removes soiling specific to endoscopy, combined with comprehensive material compatibility.

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Explore Our Portfolio of Cleaning Brushes

The single-use cleaning brushes are designed to perfectly fit Olympus endoscopes and meet the highest hygiene standards.

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