
Olympus is striving to provide innovative minimally invasive solutions in the field of endometriosis treatment.

Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis Treatment

Precision with VISERA ELITE III and THUNDERBEAT by Dr. Ceccaroni

In this video, Dr. Ceccaroni demonstrates the advanced surgical treatment of deep infiltrating endometriosis using state-of-the-art medical technology. Utilizing the high-definition VISERA ELITE III visualization system and the advanced energy THUNDERBEAT device, he showcases precise surgical techniques for the safe and effective removal of endometriosis tissue. This innovative combination of technologies ensures a minimally invasive yet highly efficient treatment for affected patients. Witness the expertise and technical excellence in addressing one of the most complex forms of endometriosis.

A versatile Energy Device

The removal of abdominal and especially rectovaginal and rectosigmoid endometrial lesions, as well as partial bladder and bowel resection, are demanding procedural steps in deep infiltrating endometriosis surgery. 1 2 This requires an energy device that is both safe and versatile. Safe surgery means that the coagulation capacities, in other words sealing and secondary hemostasis, need to be reliable, but without damaging surrounding vital structures. A versatile energy device, in contrast, needs to be precise in dissection and strong in grasping, but it also needs to be fast to enable an effective operating speed.
3 4 5 6 7

Hybrid Technology in Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis

The advanced energy device THUNDERBEAT Type S unites all these requirements in one single instrument. Its hybrid technology combines:

  • Fast cutting with safe coagulation in the “SEAL & CUT” mode.
  • Sealing, e.g., advanced secondary hemostasis, in the SEAL mode.
  • Minimal thermal spread. 3 4 5 6 7


Recognition of Anatomical Landmarks

The key steps of the radical surgery for deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) are the recognition of anatomical landmarks, the performance of a safe dissection of the retroperitoneal spaces, and a precise resection of the disease. During radical pelvic surgeries for DIE, portions of the pelvic visceral nervous system, in particular hypogastric nerves, can be accidentally damaged. This leads to significant visceral dysfunctions, dramatically affecting women’s quality of life. 1 2

Better Visualization of Retroperitoneal Structure with 3D

A laparoscopic 3D view provides a better visualization of the retroperitoneal structure and allows a more accurate evaluation of the distances between the anatomical landmarks. In particular during the dissection of the parametria, the isolation of the hypogastric and the pelvic splanchnic nerve is crucial, in order to reduce the risk of neurovegetative dysfunction. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Advantages of 3D Imaging during Bowel Resection

During the segmental bowel resection for DIE, the 3D view especially improves the visualization of the presacral and hypogastric fascia. This allows for an avascular dissection of the retrorectal space by sparing as much as possible the mesorectal vessels.

During the reconstructive step of the ureteroneocystostomy, the depth perception of the 3D view makes a safer and faster manipulation of the needle possible.

Moreover, 3D imaging facilitates precise movements of the surgeon, which is especially advantageous when suturing between the bladder and the ureter.
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Achieving High Quality of Surgery

The laparoscopic endoscope ENDOEYE 3D provides the surgeon with a depth perception that supports them in achieving a high quality of surgery. It also

  • Reduces operating time.
  • Increases confidence during procedures.
  • Reduces the laparoscopic learning curve.
    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

ENDOEYE 3D Product Details

Ovarian Endometrioma: Surgery with HICURA Laparoscopic Hand Instruments

The presence of ovarian endometriomas has a detrimental impact on the ovarian follicular reserve. As each surgical technique is critical and carries the risk of follicle loss, surgery should be performed meticulously by experienced hands and with safe bipolar instruments such as the HICURA laparoscopic hand instruments. The HICURA modular system comprises different lengths, shafts, handles and jaws to accommodate surgeons needs.

HICURA Product Details

Diagnosis of Superficial Peritoneal Endometriosis

NBI in the Diagnosis of Superficial Peritoneal Endometriosis

Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is an optical technology that uses special narrow-band filters in the endoscopic system. The NBI system has thus far been recognized as a potentially powerful means of diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases, head and neck cancers, urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and precancerous airway lesions. In gynecology, narrow-band imaging has been used to detect peritoneal endometriosis implants during laparoscopy, and some studies have demonstrated that it can be used to identify and remove even small implants. 21 22 23


Easy Use of NBI Option

NBI requires no additional equipment or patient preparation other than the Olympus light source, camera head and processor. Converting between whitelight imaging and NBI only requires the press of a button on the laparoscopic stack. 24 25 26


Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis

Endometriotic lesions extending more than 5 mm beneath the peritoneum are defined as deep infiltrating lesions. They can be detected on the following pelvic structures and organs:

  • the uterosacral ligaments,
  • the vagina,
  • the bowel,
  • the bladder and the ureters.

Deep bowel endometriosis is defined as the infiltration of the muscular layer of the rectum, rectosigmoid junction or the sigmoid.
27 28 29 30 31

Ovarian Endometrioma

Ovarian endometriomas are present in
17-44% of women with pelvic pain and infertility. 5 6

Surgical procedures include aspiration of the chocolate-colored fluid from the endometrioma, drainage of the cyst followed by bipolar coagulation, fenestration and laser ablation, cystectomy with complete resection of the endometrioma wall, or even oophorectomy in exceptional cases. 32 33 34 35

Superficial Peritoneal Endometriosis

Superficial peritoneal endometriosis (SPE) is the most common type of endometriosis, accounting for approximately 80% of all cases. It can coexist with the other subtypes, as well as with adenomyosis.

Surgical removal of lesions requires appropriate surgical expertise and involves laparoscopic excision and ablation of the endometriotic lesions. 36 37 38

Associated Solutions


Featuring a true curved double-action Maryland dissector jaw, POWERSEAL offers superior vessel-sealing performance and enhanced usability. It ensures more control and efficiency, providing a best-in-class surgical energy experience.



Designed for advanced imaging in general surgery, VISERA ELITE III accelerates procedures and learning curves. It reduces future costs by eliminating the need to switch platforms, enhancing patient outcomes with state-of-the-art technology.



THUNDERBEAT is the world’s first advanced energy system combining ultrasonic energy for superior dissection and advanced bipolar energy for secure hemostasis. It doubles your energy for exceptional performance in the operating room.



ENDOEYE is the Olympus videoscope for minimally invasive surgery, featuring chip-on-the-tip technology for consistent, bright, and clear visualization. Its all-in-one design integrates the light guide cable into the camera system.



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