
Equipment Control (2)

Featured product

Featured product Operating Room Integration

Ear, Nose, ThroatUrologyPulmonologyGynecologyGeneral SurgeryGastroenterologyThoracic Surgery

Olympus 4K and 3D imaging systems sit at the forefront of surgical imaging, offering amazing visibility and outcomes. Yet achieving such incredible detail creates the need to manage, integrate, and share a large amount of data, both inside and outside the operating room (OR).


Medical control unit UCES-4

Centralized one-touch controller for endosurgery

Ear, Nose, ThroatUrologyGynecologyGeneral SurgeryOR Integration

The medical control unit UCES-4 allows centralized one-touch control of medical devices from the sterile and/or nonsterile field, providing greater efficiency and improved ergonomics during surgery.

  • Scene selection and presets improve efficiency
  • Intuitive control through a harmonized user interface
  • Flexibility with compatible devices

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